Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Brad Stuart's Garage Band Pt 1

Crazier conversations have probably taken place on Twitter, but during Friday's game against the Oilers, one happened between @SnipeDangle, @JennHo, @nursenitz, and myself. During one of the commercial breaks, there was one of those quick twenty-second interview clips with Brad Stuart. He mentioned playing guitar.

Well, back last season, there was an article I read somewhere that was an interview with Stuart that said he had found out Val played drums and he really wanted to start a garage band. I had planned on drawing it then, but got distracted by a lot of real life things happening and never got back to it.

The four of us hammered out some of the details and this is what happens when you start drawing the reality TV show called "Brad Stuart's Garage Band."

[It will definitely get more hilarious.]

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